Hi, I'm Gabriele Campbell
Hi, I'm Gabriele Campbell
I am a Certified Personal Trainer through the Athletic and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). I specialized through the American College of Sports Medicine in Exercise Management for Persons with Chronic Disease and Disabilities. I enjoy working with a wide variety of people using many different fitness domains including strength and conditioning, injury prevention, and endurance training.
I understand that education is an ongoing process, so I completed the following specialty courses:
- Prehab vs. Rehab - This course focused on injury risk factors, types of injuries, injury terminology, and stages of inflammation and repair.
- Midlife Fitness for Women – This course is focused on the physiology of women during and past midlife, including the symptoms associated with menopause, and the long-term effects of estrogen deficiency (e.g., osteoporosis and heart disease.
- Advanced Training in Active Older Adults – This course focused on how to apply appropriate adjustments to ensure safe and effective training.
- Foam Rollers101 – This course focused on the benefits of foam rollers to stabilization, proprioception, balance, balance, flexibility, and myofascial release.
- Medicine Ball Training - This training is an effective way to condition the entire body. It will challenge individuals' speed and power.
- Fit over 40, understanding what happens when we turn 40, how the body changes, and developing a program that can help reverse or manage many of these changes.
I am also an Aware in Care Ambassador. An Aware Care Ambassador will distribute Aware in Care kits that serve to bolster best practices in treating patients with Parkinson’s disease to both patients and healthcare providers. As an Ambassador I will work directly with the Parkinson’s Foundation to share the Aware in Care kit with their local communities and create connections in local hospitals to help change the culture and policies around Parkinson’s care. I educate hospitals and communities nationwide to make life better for people with Parkinson’s. Click here to learn more.
My Story
I love every minute of my journey
I love every minute of my journey

An Idea Is Born
An Idea Is Born
I have worked for 13 years as the Adult Fitness Director at the Rogers Activity Center designing, implementing, and developing fitness programs and activities. For 10 years, I have trained people who had surgeries, have neurological disorders, and sudden oncoming musculoskeletal aches. This is my Passion - this is my Purpose. I have also worked for 4 years for Healthways evaluating fitness instructors. The purpose of the evaluation was to oversee instructors' training needs and foremost to ensure the exercises are safe and appropriate. The greatest reward I receive is when a client tells me: My ache is gone, my shoulder or back feels better or I always feel so much better when I leave your training session.
My other Passion
I also love riding my bike. My knowledge in fitness has helped me to be a safe rider. If you are a cyclist, I always look forward meeting new cyclists, riding together and having fun!